Thursday, 29 December 2011

Surbo and Perodua MyVi 1.3

Ever wondered how does it look like if you fit a Surbo into a Perodua MyVi 1.3? Well, the photo below should shed some lights.

The Surbo is fitted replacing the air intake snake or nozzle whichever you want to call it. The air intake housing inlet nozzle will be fitted with an adapter so that the Surbo and it's housing can be fitted perfectly.
This will also prevent the Surbo and housing from falling off while driving around.
As can be seen from the picture above, there is a black thing holding the Surbo housing into the air intake filter inlet nozzle. That is a cable tie. Just to tie things up so that it will not fall off while on the road.

The photo above is the side view of the air intake filter cover. The blue thing in case nobody really sure; is Surbo. This is how it supposed to look in a normal air intake setup.

Thanks to the car owner for this great photos.


  1. Looking forward to see more articles about Perodua Myvi .

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  3. can a surbo be installed in Myvi 2022 and how much extra power can be made?
