Thursday, 29 December 2011

Surbo and Toyota Rush 1.5A

Just want to share on this one. Went back to Keningau from Kota Kinabalu fully loaded with stuff at the back & 4 passengers.

Refuel at the last station before Tambunan. Just RM20 of the R95. Just to see how far the VVTI 1.5 will take me and my family by using that much of a fuel. Of course the tank still got 3 bars left before the RM20 refuelling.

The climb was so tiring. A lot of slow mow due to rain and probably slippery road. After the slow mow, got cow mow bringing goods to the interior of Sabah. Will not blame them for being slow. After all, these transporters are the one who will bring you your goods. Could not imagine one going to Kota Kinabalu just to buy one kilo of sugar. Will you? ...

Ok.. Back to the main story. After dozens of overtaking uphill to Gunung Emas (is it Amas or Emas?), finally going down to Tambunan. Thanks to the EBD and ABS, could not keep my speed under 60 Km/h. Sounds a bit dangerous since the Rush is a bit tall with not that wide body. Feel guilty of doing it afterwards.

On a safe straight road, the speed is around 110 - 125 km/h. Well, it is safe and straight anyway. So blast it off. After a jammed packed road at Keningau Town, I reach my destination around 2 1/2 hours after I left Kota Kinabalu.

Ok.. At my destination, my fuel tank shows the 3 bars. Same as before the refuelling at Penampang. Maybe because of the crazy drive rushing uphills, racing downhills and speeding straights..

By the way, the picture belows are my car using twin Surbo. Heck of a Twin Surbo. Simple installation so why not? Check it out..
The first Surbo is the Gold one. Fitted inside the air intake filter casing nozzle. The second Surbo is the blue one. Fitted into a housing and secured at the air intake inlet nozzle using a cable tie.
This is how it look like under the hood. Nice one.

Anyway, if you guys wondered that this will cause the engine to suck hot air? Maybe yes maybe not. The hot air are just below the inlet of this housing. If you have a Rush then you will know what am I saying.

Now lets finish the story. As for my trip back to Kota Kinabalu. Same 4 passengers with more stuffs at the back. Bringing back some stuff that available for free at Keningau but cost a fortune at Kota Kinabalu.

Refuel at PSS Keningau for RM20 on R95. This time the fuel tank shows 2 bars left. Used up the 1 bar to roam around the jammed Keningau Town. Same speeding straight, rushing uphill, racing downhill, crazy overtaking. After almost 3 hours reach home. The fuel is back at 2 bars.

So can be loosely concluded that my car is fuel guzzling for drinking a RM20 of R95 Petrol per trip to Keningau.

That's about it friend - sorry for the anti climax ending.

Any comment just feel free to write or sms.

Surbo and Perodua MyVi 1.3

Ever wondered how does it look like if you fit a Surbo into a Perodua MyVi 1.3? Well, the photo below should shed some lights.

The Surbo is fitted replacing the air intake snake or nozzle whichever you want to call it. The air intake housing inlet nozzle will be fitted with an adapter so that the Surbo and it's housing can be fitted perfectly.
This will also prevent the Surbo and housing from falling off while driving around.
As can be seen from the picture above, there is a black thing holding the Surbo housing into the air intake filter inlet nozzle. That is a cable tie. Just to tie things up so that it will not fall off while on the road.

The photo above is the side view of the air intake filter cover. The blue thing in case nobody really sure; is Surbo. This is how it supposed to look in a normal air intake setup.

Thanks to the car owner for this great photos.

Surbo and Perodua ALZA

Just in case people are looking for this kind of photo. After a few installation, this can be done really quick. Less than 15 minutes and there you go. Surbo in your Perodua ALZA.
This one was installed into an automatic transmission Perodua ALZA.

Surbo is installed directly replacing the air intake snake as you can see in the photo below. It will rightly fit into the flexible joint and secured using the original clamp.
Thanks to the owner for this awesome straight to the point photo.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday

It has been a while. A bit busy but not out yet. Got a few interested person this last few days. Installed 2 units on Vios 2009 and Kancil 660 respectively. Pictures will be uploaded later.

Got few units left in my pocket. Well, let's see who's going to grab the last batch of RM180/pc. After this, sadly to inform you my dear reader, the price would go up to RM195/pc. 
Notification has been made at the relevant point of reference so it may not sounds so surprising.

Back to the main topic. Just wanted to wish all of you a very happy and merry Christmas! Have a joyful holiday and celebration with your loves one. May all the blessing be yours and what truly yours will be yours eventually.

Before I end my rambling, to all my dear friends.. Drive safely. It counts! Be safe on the road. As I would like to brag, Sabah SURBO supports safe driving!

God bless and have a joyful festive season.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Twin Surbo Proton Gen 2

Twin Surbo Installation
Location – Kota Kinabalu Sabah
I received a call from a friend who complained about me not picking up his calls. Actually it was more like every time he calls, I will be doing something else and away from my phone. Anyway, after concluding that I knew where exactly his location, I decided to go and fix 2 units of Surbo for his Gen 2. I am not really sure if it was a Proton Gen 2 or Proton Persona. The engine bay looks the same to me but maybe; just maybe, it was a Proton Gen 2. I wish to extend my apology to the owner for misquoting his car’s type here if there is.
Proton Gen 2
 Continuing to the main topic, before the installation, his car was using a custom 3 inch air intake piping. It was a perfect place for the Surbo to be. It was a straight 3 inch custom air intake piping with cone air filter.
Custom air intake with cone filter
 To begin with, there is something has to be done before the installation can be carried out. The owner has installed another performance parts on his air intake and wants to take it out. The Surbo cannot be fitted into the piping if the other performance part still inside. The performance part was glued into the piping. Then it must be hard to take it out. Well, you bet. It took me almost eternity to remove the glued parts. Luckily the owner got the time to wait for me to extract the performance part.
Thank you for the painstaking removal process
After the removal, come the installations. Two units of Surbo were fitted into the intake piping and hurray!! It was ready for a test drive.
Before installation

Inside it goes..

Another one here..
Upon completion of installation, the car owner did not carry out any test drive at all. He just pays and left for work. The only comment I got from him later was “good, power and better fuel economy”. Well, that sums up the whole thing from performance to fuel  consumption efficiency. As tiring and painful the job may be but customer’s satisfaction in the end was the real motivation for me to ensure all installation are perfect. Happy driving Sabahan!!. Surbo Sabah.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Surbo Sabah - Recent Activity.

Surbo Sabah

Here we go again..
Recently I did a few installation. Just to name it; I did an Exora, Saga, MyVi 1.3 and Waja.
For the Exora, the owner was a very sporting man. He is more than willing to give a try on this Surbo. Once installed, I ask him to do a quick round of drive to feel the car performance. It was a quick and not so stressing drive due to so many obstacle at the housing area. He did feel a bit on the car performance especially from 1st gear to 2nd gear. His Exora is using automatic transmission and was the 1st model that came out. His only comment was “so far there is an improvement”. I am not expecting more comments due to short drive and none of it were really testing the car’s performances such as hill climbing and accelerating down the highway. But nevertheless, I am happy for him as he is more than satisfied with his car. Hopefully I am going to get more valuable feedback from him later when he drive to Ranau or Tawau or wherever he wishes to go with the car full with people and cruising freely. The picture below is not the Exora belong to him but some other sporting guy. He was my 1st Exora.
Proton Exora 1.6 Auto
For the Saga, it was a new Saga. The car owner was so excited about the Surbo. He was also a very sporting man trying to get the better performance for his car without any major modifications on his car. He found out about the Surbo and did some research on the Internet. He turns out to be a long time user for the Surbo as proved by his Waja. He had the red Surbo installed for his Waja 10 years ago. Once installed, his son did a quick drive around at Donggongon area and his only comment was “rasa ada ok la, saya nak booking 2 “. Translation “ feels ok, I want to book 2 unit of Surbo”. Really kind guy who are more than willing to try.
New Saga 1.3 Auto
For the Waja, it was the same person as the above car owner. No wonder he believes in good performance of the Surbo as he was having a Surbo under the hood for 10 years. He was more than happy to install another Surbo for his Waja making it a Twin Surbo. I just realigned the old Surbo and new Surbo for maximum effect inside his 10 years old waja. Maybe older but the engine still sounds very good to me. Once installed, I ask him on how the new feel with twin Surbo under the hood. His reply me with “suda cuba memang hebat la. Guarantee puas hati, ramai member mau pasang la. Keep in touch”. Translation “ its great, satisfaction guaranteed, a lot of friends want to install. Keep in touch”. The statement alone is more than enough to convince me on how he feels about his car performance.
Twin Surbo
Waja 1.6 Auto - Twin Surbo
Red Hot!!
As a conclusion of the day, it can be concluded that these guys are benefiting from this Surbo light suction turbo system. Will get more feedback soon from the previous users and also from future users. If its good, use it, if it is not, just notify me and I will get it removed and return your money back. 100%. Re installation to the same car will be RM240 per unit compared to initial RM180 per unit..

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Want to try something different?

Recently I went to this Hong Kong Recipe Restaurant at 1B. It was good as before. Yes, I used to have my lunch or dinner here so it’s only fair if I say it again. Good as before. In case you are in 1B and looking for a place to ease your hunger, you can always try this restaurant. Last time I tried black pepper lamb chop and enough talking, it was good. This is not a promotional thing but just to share with you on where you can get alternative food at 1B. I forgot to remind you, it’s a non halal restaurant. Why? I used to order food with pork meat here. You can get a something in a Hong Kong style here. Rice, noodles and even coffee. So if you are thinking of something Hong Kong, then go to this restaurant. Then come back and tell me about it.

The week that was.. for me..

Sports at a glance.. My Favourite only..
My favourite EPL team, Liverpool has just managed a draw at Anfield. I was hoping for a good win but a draw might start something what they had left last season. Some say it’s a fair result for Liverpool and even King Kenny say it’s a fair result. The 1st half was good as commented by some of the faithful but some of them are saying that teams are improving and getting better over the years. Or, maybe it is because the players and managers are getting better at their tactics, strategies and strength. Maybe yes maybe no.
On the other note, despite his best effort, Datuk Lee Chong Wei failed to smash off China’s Lin Dan in the recently BWF World Championship 2011 at Wembley Arena London. Nevertheless, it was an entertaining game by both them. They gave us thrilling game with smashing high speed shuttle across the court and diving around like they can fly. Superb is the only word I can say to both of them. Anyway, congratulations to both of them and yes you guys are still the best around. As a Malaysian, I wish Datuk Lee Chong Wei a more successful future. By the way, his finger was bleeding during the game. That’s what I call 100% commitment and focus. It’s mind boggling and he is still the man to beat.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Just Another Day.. With Surbo in Kota Kinabalu

Sudah lewat malam baru siap pasang satu Surbo. Tuan punya kereta memang puas hati. Pesona Elegant pakai twin Surbo. Dulu pakai satu, sekarang tambah lagi satu. Siapa tahu prestasi kereta bertambah baik hanya dengan memasang dua unit Surbo. Terima kasih atas sokongan anda.
Walaupun banyak ulasan yang kurang menarik mengenai Surbo tetapi yang pasti setakat ini 99% puas hati. Kecuali sebuah kereta Big Horn la. Tidak dapat dipastikan tetapi hanya tuan punya kereta yang tahu sebarang perubahan yang baik pada keretanya. Maka dapatlah diterima ketidakpuasan hati Big Horn tersebut.
Kesimpulannya, cuba dahulu dan kalau rasa tidak begitu sesuai dengan kereta anda, wang anda akan dikembalikan. Surbo sahajalah cerita pada hari ini. Ramai lagi yang ingin mencuba tetapi stok sudah habis. Bila stok baru tiba, maka bolehlah mencubanya. Sabar ya.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Tamu Tamparuli

I went to Pekan Tamparuli today. Just to enjoy the cool breeze from the mountain range. Yes, I still find it’s fascinating to be there. Fascinating and reminds me of my early days when I was a kid. The Tamu still the place to be. Just like the old days. Nothing beats that.
I did some walk around and at the same time getting some goodies for me to bring back home. I’m not that far though. But as time goes by, it’s not unusual for me to visit Tamparuli once in a year. Life got so demanding and Tamu just another thing that goes like “later la if got time”.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed my trip. Jammed packed road, friendly people mostly Dusun speaking, lots of lots of things to buy and not forgetting some very good food. I hope to be there again but I’m not sure when. But rest assures you will not be disappointed if you come to Tamu Tamparuli. Do visits the Jambatan Tamparuli because if not, you going regret it. That’s maybe the only valid proof you ever step your foot at Tamparuli.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011